Kicking Fear to the Curb

Fear and I have had a relationship. More than a casual acquaintance.

But we’re going our separate ways! Hallelujah!

Why? “Courage is fear that calls on God.” *

You see, I don’t feel very courageous, never have. Always had an attack of nerves before reading a paper aloud in school. When I went to college, Speech 101 was recommended for first-semester freshman. I took a history course, then Spanish. I ended  up postponing Speech 101 until it was clear I had enough credits to graduate if I took it.

MOUNTAIN Old Rag KARL MKI may have acted courageously as a mom protecting my young son ~ but I never felt courageous. I dismissed those instances as a mother’s instinct acting without thinking.

And like many of us, I gritted my teeth and faced anxiety-provoking events like a job interview, first day at a new job, driving over a bridge on a mountain, moving to a new city, killing a spider. Some of these things one must face if they’re going to live a normal life. And even if I appeared put-together for a job interview ~ believe me, inside was a quivering chicken.

CASTLE - ARMORY entrance hallAnd, yes, there were occasions that, with a God-stiffened spine, I sailed into without anxiety ~ like leading a Bible Study class or spinal surgery (yeah, that’s real. LOL) Because we have a God whose armory is beyond comprehension.

A couple years ago I met Janet Thompson on-line. She impressed me and one of her projects intrigued me. She talked about bravery in everyday life. When I stopped to think of the battle that Christians are immersed in just by becoming Christians, and thought about the pitched battle raging in our culture, I realized one may be brave even if one isn’t asked to stand at the flag with a Bible, stand up in court, speak truth to the powerful like my friend Jill Stanek who testified to Congress again, or forced to kneel on a beach in Tripoli awaiting an ISIS sword.

EverydayBrave7-redJanet’s written a book, Everyday Brave, and I suspect I may find more incidents in my life that could require bravery. And I also suspect I’ll find encouragement and tools to use to exhibit bravery.

I’m so eager to read Everyday Brave! In the words sung by the Marvelettes, “Please, please Mister Postman, …the sooner the better.”

You can connect with Janet on Facebook. And the book at the publisher’s site here or your favorite bookseller.

*Janet Thompson, Everyday Brave

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